Config = {}
Config.Language = 'en' -- 'de', 'en', 'pl', 'pt', 'es'
Config.Framework = 'auto' -- esx, qb or auto
Config.Payment = 28
Config.StartPoint = {538.4199, 101.6892, 97.5335}
Config.VehicleSpawnPoint = {529.7347, 109.4254, 95.7868, 159.7119}
Config.DefaultVehicle = 'foodcar4' -- Default Car: foodcar4
Config.VehicleFuelLevel = 18 -- Set the fuel level for spawned vehicles (0 to 100)
Config.Blip = {
["start"] = {
title = "Pizza Shop",
colour = 5,
id = 681,
x = Config.StartPoint[1],
y = Config.StartPoint[2],
z = Config.StartPoint[3]
["delivery"] = {
title = "Pizza Delivery Point",
colour = 5,
id = 280
-- Example:
-- Config.HelpNotify = function(message, key)
-- TriggerEvent("your_custom_help_notify_event", message) -- Replace with your own event or logic
-- end
Config.HelpNotify = function(message, key)
EndTextCommandDisplayHelp(0, false, true, -1)
-- Set to 'true' to use your custom notification system.
-- Set to 'false' to use the default notifications (ESX, QBCore, or standard GTA notifications).
Config.UseCustomNotify = false
-- If 'UseCustomNotify' is true, define your custom notification logic here.
-- The 'type' parameter will be either "success", "warning", or "info" based on the notification.
Config.CustomNotify = function(type, message)
if type == "success" then
TriggerEvent("yournotify:notification", "success", "Success", message, 5000)
elseif type == "warning" then
TriggerEvent("yournotify:notification", "warning", "Warning", message, 5000)
elseif type == "info" then
TriggerEvent("yournotify:notification", "info", "Info", message, 5000)
-- If 'UseCustomNotify' is set to false, we use the default notification system (ESX, QBCore, or standard GTA notifications).
Config.Notify = function(type, message)
if Config.UseCustomNotify then
Config.CustomNotify(type, message)
if Config.Framework == "esx" then
if type == "success" then
TriggerEvent('esx:showNotification', "~g~" .. message)
elseif type == "warning" then
TriggerEvent('esx:showNotification', "~y~" .. message)
TriggerEvent('esx:showNotification', message)
elseif Config.Framework == "qb" then
TriggerEvent('QBCore:Notify', message, type)
-- Fallback for standard GTA notifications
if type == "success" then
AddTextComponentString("~g~" .. message)
elseif type == "warning" then
AddTextComponentString("~y~" .. message)
DrawNotification(false, true)
Config.DeliveryPoints = {
{vehiclePoint = {-81.8671, -1022.6032, 29.3729}, deliveryPoint = {-91.1543, -1030.4658, 28.8935}},
{vehiclePoint = {374.1097, 435.4387, 145.0825}, deliveryPoint = {372.3414, 429.2246, 146.5102}},
{vehiclePoint = {226.7188, 680.7012, 190.0616}, deliveryPoint = {231.9225, 672.3691, 190.9455}},
{vehiclePoint = {13.1105, 550.0386, 177.2698}, deliveryPoint = {8.4103, 540.3004, 177.0273}},
{vehiclePoint = {-308.1143, 386.9582, 110.7375}, deliveryPoint = {-299.9754, 383.1141, 111.8444}},
{vehiclePoint = {-605.8273, 400.8336, 101.9778}, deliveryPoint = {-595.9443, 393.3929, 102.8817}},
{vehiclePoint = {-577.0188, 314.9492, 85.2407}, deliveryPoint = {-570.3618, 311.1626, 85.4905}},
{vehiclePoint = {-171.5516, 209.9624, 89.4861}, deliveryPoint = {-174.6781, 218.9060, 90.9042}},
{vehiclePoint = {359.4518, -125.8211, 66.8596}, deliveryPoint = {353.5718, -139.7855, 67.2148}},
{vehiclePoint = {926.2294, -255.1635, 69.2020}, deliveryPoint = {931.4406, -245.7378, 70.0023}},
{vehiclePoint = {1073.7520, -386.8903, 68.0611}, deliveryPoint = {1061.5096, -378.6017, 69.2313}},
{vehiclePoint = {11.0198, 218.1234, 108.5550}, deliveryPoint = {4.7128, 220.2669, 108.7125}},
{vehiclePoint = {213.8788, 519.5670, 141.5349}, deliveryPoint = {222.8913, 514.5650, 141.7638}},
{vehiclePoint = {-55.8190, -130.1676, 58.7661}, deliveryPoint = {-50.0591, -141.6948, 58.4733}},
{vehiclePoint = {1037.1064, 195.6948, 81.6913}, deliveryPoint = {1045.1954, 192.5180, 81.9998}},
{vehiclePoint = {650.2236, 597.5467, 129.9109}, deliveryPoint = {659.4041, 593.0525, 130.0509}},
{vehiclePoint = {-177.7213, 597.2491, 198.9299}, deliveryPoint = {-185.3345, 591.8120, 198.8230}},
{vehiclePoint = {-809.3836, -19.1745, 39.5521}, deliveryPoint = {-788.8243, -7.1545, 41.8741}},
{vehiclePoint = {-1531.0176, 434.3141, 109.8223}, deliveryPoint = {-1540.0199, 421.7095, 111.0139}},
{vehiclePoint = {432.5850, -613.3483, 29.5000}, deliveryPoint = {437.5288, -623.4611, 29.7086}}
Config.Translations = {
de = {
startJob = "Drücken Sie [E], um die Pizza-Lieferung zu starten.",
warning = "Warnung",
success = "Erfolg",
driveToPoint = "Fahren Sie zum markierten Punkt, um die Pizza zu liefern.",
getTheBox = "Gehen Sie zum Kofferraum und holen Sie die Box.",
parkVehicle = "Drücken Sie [E], um Ihr Auto hier zu parken.",
collectBox = "Drücken Sie [E], um die Box zu holen.",
deliverPizza = "Gehen Sie zum Lieferpunkt und liefern Sie die Pizza aus.",
deliverSuccess = "Gehalt auf Ihr Pizza-Konto gutgeschrieben.($" .. Config.Payment .. ")",
parkAndExit = "Parken Sie Ihr Auto und steigen Sie aus, um die Pizza zu liefern.",
endJob = "Sie haben den Pizza-Lieferjob beendet.",
collectMoney = "Sie haben $%s abgeholt."
en = {
startJob = "Press [E] to start pizza delivery",
warning = "Warning",
success = "Success",
driveToPoint = "Drive to the marked point to deliver the pizza.",
getTheBox = "Go to the trunk and get the box.",
parkVehicle = "Press [E] Park your car here",
collectBox = "Press [E] to get the box",
deliverPizza = "Press [E] to deliver pizza",
deliverSuccess = "Salary credited to your pizza account.($" .. Config.Payment .. ")",
parkAndExit = "Park your car and get out to deliver the pizza.",
endJob = "You have ended the pizza delivery job.",
collectMoney = "You have collected $%s."
pl = {
startJob = "Naciśnij [E], aby rozpocząć dostawę pizzy.",
warning = "Ostrzeżenie",
success = "Sukces",
driveToPoint = "Jedź do zaznaczonego punktu, aby dostarczyć pizzę.",
getTheBox = "Idź do bagażnika i weź pudełko.",
parkVehicle = "Naciśnij [E], aby zaparkować tutaj samochód.",
collectBox = "Naciśnij [E], aby wziąć pudełko.",
deliverPizza = "Naciśnij [E], aby dostarczyć pizzę.",
deliverSuccess = "Wynagrodzenie zaksięgowane na twoim koncie pizzowym.($" .. Config.Payment .. ")",
parkAndExit = "Zaparkuj samochód i wyjdź, aby dostarczyć pizzę.",
endJob = "Zakończyłeś pracę dostawcy pizzy.",
collectMoney = "Zebrałeś $%s."
pt = {
startJob = "Pressione [E] para iniciar a entrega de pizza.",
warning = "Aviso",
success = "Sucesso",
driveToPoint = "Dirija até o ponto marcado para entregar a pizza.",
getTheBox = "Vá até o porta-malas e pegue a caixa.",
parkVehicle = "Pressione [E] para estacionar seu carro aqui.",
collectBox = "Pressione [E] para pegar a caixa.",
deliverPizza = "Pressione [E] para entregar a pizza.",
deliverSuccess = "Salário creditado na sua conta de pizza.($" .. Config.Payment .. ")",
parkAndExit = "Estacione seu carro e saia para entregar a pizza.",
endJob = "Você terminou o trabalho de entrega de pizza.",
collectMoney = "Você coletou $%s."
es = {
startJob = "Presiona [E] para comenzar la entrega de pizza.",
warning = "Advertencia",
success = "Éxito",
driveToPoint = "Conduce al punto marcado para entregar la pizza.",
getTheBox = "Ve al maletero y toma la caja.",
parkVehicle = "Presiona [E] para estacionar tu coche aquí.",
collectBox = "Presiona [E] para tomar la caja.",
deliverPizza = "Presiona [E] para entregar la pizza.",
deliverSuccess = "Salario acreditado a tu cuenta de pizza.($" .. Config.Payment .. ")",
parkAndExit = "Estaciona tu coche y sal para entregar la pizza.",
endJob = "Has terminado el trabajo de entrega de pizza.",
collectMoney = "Has recogido $%s."
function getFramework()
if Config.Framework == "esx" then
return exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject(), "esx"
elseif Config.Framework == "qb" then
return exports["qb-core"]:GetCoreObject(), "qb"
elseif Config.Framework == "auto" then
if GetResourceState('qb-core') == 'started' then
return exports["qb-core"]:GetCoreObject(), "qb"
elseif GetResourceState('es_extended') == 'started' then
return exports['es_extended']:getSharedObject(), "esx"
:root {
--box-background-color: #f5e5c0;
--box-border-color: #d4a373;
--semi-circle-color: #ff6f61;
--title-color: #ffffff;
--money-color: #00bb00;
--button-background-color: #ff6f61;
--button-text-color: #ffffff;
--button-border-color: #d4a373;
const lang = 'en'; // Example: current language
// Configurations for each language
const translations = {
de: {
title: "RISK",
subtitle: "PIZZA DELIVERY",
start: "START",
einparken: "EINPARKEN",
abheben: "ABHEBEN",
currencySymbol: '€', // Currency symbol
currencyPosition: 'right' // Position of the currency symbol (right of the amount)
en: {
title: "RISK",
subtitle: "PIZZA DELIVERY",
start: "START",
einparken: "PARK",
abheben: "WITHDRAW",
currencySymbol: '$', // Currency symbol
currencyPosition: 'left' // Position of the currency symbol (left of the amount)
pl: {
title: "RISK",
subtitle: "DOSTAWA PIZZY",
start: "START",
einparken: "PARKOWANIE",
abheben: "WYPŁACIĆ",
currencySymbol: 'zł', // Currency symbol
currencyPosition: 'left'
pt: {
title: "RISK",
subtitle: "ENTREGA DE PIZZA",
start: "INICIAR",
einparken: "ESTACIONAR",
abheben: "RETIRAR",
currencySymbol: 'R$', // Currency symbol
currencyPosition: 'left'
es: {
title: "RISK",
subtitle: "ENTREGA DE PIZZA",
start: "INICIO",
einparken: "APARCAR",
abheben: "RETIRAR",
currencySymbol: '€', // Currency symbol
currencyPosition: 'right' // Position of the currency symbol (right of the amount)
Last updated