The main configuration is handled in Config.lua
and settings.lua
. You can customize various aspects of the shop such as shop locations, notification texts, and payment methods.
Config = {}
Config.Framework = "auto"
Config.Language = "en"
Config.DiscordImage = true
Config.MoneyType = "EUR"
Config.ChestModel = "xm_prop_x17_chest_closed"
Config.digTime = 8000
Config.Item = "metal_detector"
Config.Price = {
buy = 2500,
rent = 500
Config.DisableKeys = { 21, 24 }
Config.Shop = {
marker = false,
npc = true,
model = "s_m_y_dockwork_01",
coord = vec4(-1368.8090, -1492.8373, 3.4431, 83.1140),
blip = {
label = "Black Market",
sprite = 605,
scale = 0.7,
color = 5,
visible = true
Config.OpenHour = 8
Config.CloseHour = 22
Config.ShopClosedNotify = "The shop is closed! Opening hours: %02d:00 - %02d:00."
Config.Blips = true
Config.BlipSprite = 52
Config.BlipColor = 1
Config.BlipScale = 0.8
Config.BlipName = "Black Market"
Config.Marker = true
Config.MarkerType = 29
Config.MarkerScale = 0.5
Config.MarkerColor = { r = 255, g = 0, b = 0, a = 100 }
Config.NPC = {
Enabled = true,
Model = "cs_jimmydisanto",
Coords = vector3(1552.0342, 2189.8137, 77.9433),
Heading = 1.4488,
Config.HelpNotifyType = "auto"
Config.CustomHelpEvent = "myresource:helpnotify"
Config.ShopText = "~r~[~INPUT_PICKUP~] ~w~Open the Black Market~n~~r~Best deals in the shadows!"
Config.NotifyTexts = {
NotEnoughMoney = "You do not have enough cash!",
PurchaseSuccessCash = "You purchased %s items for $%s (Cash).",
NotEnoughBlackMoney = "You do not have enough black money!",
PurchaseSuccessBlackMoney = "You purchased %s items for $%s (Black Money).",
JobBlocked = "Your job is restricted from accessing the Black Market!"
Config.ShopItems = {
tools = {
name = "repairkit",
label = "Repair Kit",
price = {min=150, max=200},
image = "repairkit.png",
description = "<span style='color:#F4D03F;'>All-in-one kit to fix your vehicle in no time.</span>"
electro = {
name = "phone",
label = "Mobile Phone",
price = {min=200, max=220},
image = "phone.png",
description = "<span style='color:#3498DB;'>A smartphone to stay connected on the go.</span>"
other = {
name = "newspaper",
label = "Newspaper",
price = 5,
image = "newspaper.png",
description = "<span style='color:#BDC3C7;'>Keep up with the latest news and events.</span>"
Note: The above snippet is a condensed version. Your full configuration includes additional logic for items, price finalization, and Discord embed updates.
Config.Discord = {
ServerName = "My RP Server",
Message = "Hello dear players,\nBlack Market Preise have just been updated!",
Color = 9323693,
IconURL = "",
FooterText = "Your Server Team"
Last updated