
  • Approaching the Shop: As players approach a shop location defined in Config.Shops, a marker and blip (if enabled) appear. A help prompt (using Config.ShopText) instructs them to press the interaction key (typically E) to open the shop menu.

  • Opening the Shop: When the interaction key is pressed, the shop UI opens (using NUI), displaying the available item categories (e.g., tools, electro, other). Players can then browse items and select their desired products.

  • Purchasing Items: The script supports both cash and black money payments. When a player makes a purchase, the appropriate payment method is verified (using ESX or QBCore methods), and if successful, items are added to the player’s inventory.

  • Discord Integration: On server start, the script randomizes item prices (if defined as a range) and sends an updated embed to your Discord channel using the webhook configured in Config.Discord.

  • Job Restrictions: If a player’s job is listed in Config.BlacklistedJobs, they will receive a notification and be blocked from accessing the shop.

Last updated