
  • Purchasing Equipment:

    • Go to Market (Config.Market.Location) to buy essential items: hive, beehiveframe, forestscanner, etc.

    • Or visit the Seller (Config.Seller.Location) to sell honey items for profit.

  • Placing a Beehive:

    • Use a forest scanner to find suitable zones.

    • Gather necessary materials (hive, beehiveframe, bees).

    • Approach a valid spot, press the designated interact key (default E), and wait for the progress bar to complete.

  • Harvesting Honey:

    • After a certain time (or once bees have gathered enough honey), interact with your hive to collect dirtyhoney.

    • Wear a beekeeper suit if ClothingEnabled = true to avoid stings and damage.

  • Cleaning & Mixing Honey:

    • Head to the Cleaner location to turn dirtyhoney into cleanhoney.

    • Take it to the Mixer station to produce a final product (honeyjar).

    • Each step requires specific items (spatula, emptyhoneyjar), with progress bars and custom animations.

  • Selling Honey Products:

    • Visit the Seller location.

    • Choose which honey items to sell and a PaymentMethod (cash, bank, etc.).

    • Earn money or trigger custom events as you see fit.

  • Bee Stings:

    • If players come within HiveDangerDistance of a hive without wearing the protective suit, they take damage every DamageInterval seconds.

    • If a player’s health is below MinimumHealth, they won’t take further damage to avoid instant death loops.

Last updated